Savills Move for Blue Dragon

It's estimated that one in five Vietnamese children live in poverty. They're often forced to leave school and look for work far from home, putting them at risk of homelessness and human trafficking.

Established in 2004 by an Australian teacher, Blue Dragon is on a mission to protect children from homelessness and human trafficking. From the humble beginnings of helping six street children in Hanoi, the organisation now supports over 30,000 children and families all over Vietnam.

Blue Dragon rescues children from homelessness, and children and adults who have been trafficked into forced labour, sex slavery and forced "marriage". After rescuing kids from danger, Blue Dragon reunites them with their family and provides all the support needed for recovery and growth.

Your generosity will give children in crisis brighter futures

$20 gives a night of emergency shelter, with clothing and meals

$50 pays for medical care for a child

$100 provides a child with psychological counselling to heal from trauma

$150 keeps a child in school for a year

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Savills Move for Blue Dragon

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14 days left

Fundraiser created by
Khanh Hoang


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